The Biblical Illustrator (Used Copy)

RRP: £150.00

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ISBN: 0801032806


As described by Bible Support: Joseph S. Exell edited and compiled the 23 volume Biblical Illustrator commentary. He was the co-editor of the famous Pulpit Commentary (this commentary is even larger than the Pulpit Commentary). This remarkable work is the triumph of a life devoted to Biblical research and study. Assisted by a small army of students, the Exell set draws on the rich stores of great minds since the beginning of New Testament times. — The Biblical Illustrator brings Scripture to life in a unique, illuminating way. While other commentaries explain a Bible passage doctrinally, this work illustrates the Bible with a collection of illustrations of use, outlines, anecdotes, history, poems, expositions, geography, sermons, Bible backgrounds and homiletics for nearly every verse in the Bible. This massive commentary was originally intended for preachers needing help with sermon preparation. But today, the Biblical Illustrator provides life application, illumination, inspiration, doctrine, devotion, and practical content for all who teach, preach, and study the Bible. — The Biblical Illustrator includes material from hundreds of famous authors of the day.

Publisher: Baker

Publication Date:1978

Binding: Cloth

Condition: Excellent


Additional information

Weight 31751.47 g
Dimensions 520.70 × 330.20 × 330.20 mm


Product Type



Joseph Exell


Primedia E-launch LLC

Published Date

June 1978


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