Bible Truth Explored: Searching the Scriptures with the Shorter Catechism (Used Copy)

RRP: £2.50

Availability: Out of stock SKU: 90005225SHB



ISBN: 9781910013199


Bible truth is the only sure foundation for what we must believer and how we must live. Yet there is so much to learn about God and ourselves from the Bible that we need an accurate summary. Just like a map or guide is essential in exploring a large country, this new simple tool is designed as a guide for all ages to help explore these key truths. A unique resource for exploring Scripture with the Shorter Catechism.

How do you teach the faith to children? Memorising Scripture is vital, but a catechism helps a child to see how the verses they learn fit together. They then have the message of the Bible in their minds and not just the words. They also see how truths relate to each other and depend on other teachings.

It gives them the foundation blocks of understanding to which everything else they learn must relate. It is hard to think of a better way to ensure that the truth is in our children’s minds. By this means, they receive, in manageable chunks, the whole counsel of God.



Additional information

Weight 400 g
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 mm


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