Jesus Through the Eyes of Women: How the First Female Disciples Help Us Know and Love the Lord

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ISBN: 9781956593075


“With insight and inspiration on every page, Rebecca McLaughlin shows us the real Jesus in all his tenderness, majesty, compassion, and defiance. Essential and wonderful reading.” –Sam Allberry, pastor and author

“Rather than view women as risks, liabilities, or burdens, Jesus invites them to draw near. With her characteristic and refreshing blend of scholarship and empathy, Rebecca McLaughlin invites us to examine the stories of women woven throughout the ministry of Jesus, searching for the common threads of good news. And a clear, unhesitating message emerges: ‘Suffer the women to come unto me.’ Herein is instruction and encouragement for women and men alike seeking to live as brothers and sisters in God’s family.” –Jen Wilkin, author and Bible teacher

“In this mind-stimulating and soul-stirring book, Rebecca McLaughlin reveals that far from dismissing and devaluing women, early Christianity was countercultural for the common good. Indeed, it was propelled by women who were truly known and deeply loved. As we look through the eyes and lives of women in the Gospels, we can more clearly see Jesus in all of his resolute truth and radiant beauty.” –Julius J. Kim, president, The Gospel Coalition

About the Author

Rebecca McLaughlin holds a PhD in Renaissance literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. She is the author of Confronting Christianity, named Christianity Today’s 2020 Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year, and of multiple other books including The Secular Creed (2021) and Confronting Jesus (2022).

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Weight 300 g
Dimensions 0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 mm


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Barbara Wilson-Clay, Kay Hoover


Gospel Coalition, The

Published Date



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