Pilipinto’s Happiness: The Jungle Adventures of a Missionary’s Daughter

Original price was: £17.50.

Availability: In stock SKU: 9781629950259-COH



ISBN: 9781629950259


In 1956, Valerie’s young missionary father, Jim Elliot, and four other men were speared to death by members of a primitive Ecuadorian tribe. But the good news of the gospel did not die with them. When Valerie was just a toddler, she and her mother, Elisabeth, moved to live with that very tribe―showing the unconditional love of Christ so that the gospel could work in powerful and transformative ways. Pilipinto’s Happiness is an amazing story of courage and redemption ―but it is also the simple story of a young American girl who grew up alongside the indigenous people of the 1950s Amazon jungle. That jungle, despite its dangers, became a delightful playground where Valerie learned to trust God’s hand and respect all his gifts. Beautifully illustrated, Pilipinto’s Happiness is a child-appropriate introduction to several Christian heroes and heroines―powerful models in the faith who demonstrated reckless abandon for the kingdom of God.

Additional information

Weight 350 g
Dimensions 24 × 21 × 1 mm

Valerie Elliot Shepard


P & R Publishing


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