The Moody Handbook of Theology

RRP: £43.99

What Is It Like? What Will We Do?… And 11 Other Things You’ve Wondered About

Availability: In stock (can be backordered) SKU: 9780802411983-EUU



ISBN: 9780802411983


The Moody Handbook of Theology leads the beginner into the appreciation and understanding of this essential field of study. It introduces the reader to the five dimensions that provide a comprehensive view of theology: biblical, systematic, historical, dogmatic and contemporary. The apostle Paul wrote that all Scripture is ‘profitable for teaching’ (2 Tim. 3:16), that Timothy should ‘pay close attention to…your teaching’ (1 Tim. 4:16), and that leaders should ‘be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict’ (Titus 1:9). When he wrote these statements, Paul was referring to theology.Beyond giving basic definitions and general descriptions, author Paul Enns summarized the substantial features of theology. In this way, he provides a concise doctrinal reference tool for the newcomer as well as the seasoned scholar seeking a refresher. There are fifty-five informative charts located at strategic points throughout the book.

Additional information

Weight 1202.02 g
Dimensions 152.40 × 47.75 × 228.60 mm
Product Type



Moody Publishers

Published Date



Paul P. Enns

Page Count



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