
The Truth Shall Set You Free

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Global Anglicans in the 21st Century

Availability: In stock (can be backordered) SKU: 9781906327163-SWN



ISBN: 9781906327163


‘The Truth Shall Set You Free’ (John 8:32) are the motto text of the Canterbury Compass Rose, a design set in the floor of the nave of Canterbury Cathedral in 1988 and subsequently adopted as the symbol of the Anglican Communion.

The irony of the Compass Rose is that the Communion it denotes is increasingly without direction and has no agreement on the truth it holds to. It was in response to this confusion that the first Global Anglican Future Conference was convened in 2008 and delegates affirmed in the closing paragraph of the Jerusalem Statement and Declaration that ‘The primary reason we have come to Jerusalem and issued this declaration is to free our churches to give clear and certain witness to Jesus Christ’.

Just as the Compass Rose can be recovered as a powerful symbol of revealed truth once the magnetic north of Scripture is restored, so GAFCON and its Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans seeks, under God and as a movement of the Spirit, to make a major course correction for the twenty-first century by recovering our Anglican heritage of biblical and gospel centred ecclesiology

Additional information

Weight 227.00 g
Dimensions 152.00 × 8.85 × 229.00 mm


Product Type



Charles Raven (Ed.)


The Latimer Trust

Published Date

Sep 16, 2013

Page Count



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