Twelve Hidden Heroes (OT) Book 2: More People in the Bible Who Did Brave Things for God

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ISBN: 9781846252730


Many children and young people dream of becoming rich and famous. Most of them will never fulfil that dream. Sometimes we can become so fascinated by people who appear important that we fail to notice those who work non-stop behind the scenes. The New Testament is full of mighty heroes who won tremendous battles or carried out amazing tasks. However as you search through the pages of the Bible you discover there are also many ‘hidden heroes’. These men and women, boys and girls were willing to stay in the background, largely unnoticed, but their lives made a huge impact on those around them and on the events that occurred. This book looks at twelve people in the New Testament who may not be well-known but who show clearly that those people who stay in the background are just as important as those in the spotlight, in fact without them the stories would never have happened! The stories show us that, whatever our gifts and abilities, God has a very special plan for our lives.

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Weight 0.00 g
Dimensions 208.28 × 134.62 × 7.62 mm


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Mark Kennedy Shriver

Published Date


Page Count



Day One Publications


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