
Book by Book – Nahum Study Guide

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ISBN: 9781905975433


The book of Nahum confronts us with the uncomfortable truth that the Living God is both full of goodness and full of anger. The temptation is for us to try to reduce the Living God down to the domesticated and convenient categories that fit with our social and cultural assumptions.  We might like a ‘well-behaved god’ who doesn’t get ’emotional’ about evil and injustice, a god who indulges our sins and cleans up our mess without creating a scene.

Nahum reminds us that the Living God is not a human creation nor is He under human control.  The Majestic and Infinite Eternal God of the Bible bursts all our neat categories and assumptions as He shines His glorious light of truth, love, righteousness and justice into our darkness of deception, death, selfishness and sin.

This study will shine the light of holiness and truth into our own lives.  If we shelter sin in our hearts the LORD will not hear us [Psalm 66:18].  Would we tolerate even a few harmful bacteria in our kitchen or even small amounts of deadly poison in a nursery?   The Cross of the LORD Jesus is proof both of His divine love and also His divine anger against evil.  If we are going to love and follow Jesus then we need to know Him as He really is, in all His glory and passion.

Additional information

Dimensions 432 mm

Blackham, Paul

Publication Summary

Preston : Biblical Frameworks, 2013.

Published Date


Page Count




Product Type

Paper Book


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