
Labors of a Godly and Learned Divine, William Perkins

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ISBN: 9781601789471
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Matthew N. Payne and J. Stephen Yuille have carefully curated sermon material from five different manuscript sources to help us understand how William Perkins’ original listeners would have heard him. Viewing these transcribed sermons enlightens us to the editorial process that eventually turned Perkins’s homilies into published books and commentaries and had such an impact on the church through subsequent history. This collection also contains previously unpublished sermons, opening a new window into some of Perkins’s thoughts inaccessible for hundreds of years. An indispensable companion to The Works of William Perkins for anyone wishing to grasp the ministry of one of England’s greatest practical theologians.

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Weight 350 g

Matthew N. Payne, J. Stephen Yuille


Reformation Heritage Books

Published Date



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